Showing posts with label healthy diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy diet. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 June 2015

How to develop healthy eating habits in your kid?

Good diet is very important to develop the overall personality of your child. For this, you should teach your child to learn healthy eating habits. It is very important for the development of your child and for enhancing immunity level.

Be an ideal teacher: - It’s time to teach healthy eating habits to your child. So, you should also eat the healthy things. If you are eating snacks and Chinese food in front of your kid then its wrong. Avoid eating such food before for your child.
Healthy food for children:-Prepare healthy food for children. There are healthy food recipes that will land you into the world of taste. Children also love taste so you must try such recipes.

Motivate them:- Motivate children to opt healthy eating habits.  Let them know the benefits of particular type of food. Don’t pressurize for eating particular type of food but motivate that why should eat them such food.

Keep them involved:- Come with your children whenever going to grocery shop. Children can help you in shopping for grocery items. You should always take their suggestions whenever going to prepare their lunch. You can ask what they want in today for lunch.

Cook Healthy snacks:-  Cook healthy snacks at home. For this, you can learn healthy recipes for kids that can help to learn healthy eating habits.

Store healthy food at your refrigerator:- Keep healthy food at your refrigerator like fruits, vegetables, whole grain snacks and milk, water, fruit juice etc. It will motivate them to eat such food whenever they feel hunger. Storage of snacks will discourage them to eat healthy food.

Serve fruits:-  Serve fruit to your child in breakfast and after lunch. If your child doesn’t like fruit then serve them in creative way. You can try out some recipes that contain fruits. You can make fruit salads and serve before your child in colorful plate. You can make the fruit juice and mix spices. There are also many fruit drink recipes that your child will definitely like.

Don’t make too salty and sweet: - Don’t make too salty and sweet any dish. Excess of salt and sweet may be harmful for your health.

Avoid Overdose:- It is very common problem among mothers. They resist their child to eat more than hunger. It can be habit and motivate them to eat more than hunger which is the main cause of digestion related problems.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

What are the benefits of Green Tea

There are multiple health benefits of green tea. It is also called as world’s most healthy drink. There are many advantages of drinking green tea which includes weight loss, reduces the risk of cancer, healthy brain function and more.The advantages of green tea are given below:-

Health Benefits of Green Tea:-  There are multiple health benefits of green Tea.  It discourages the formation of free radicals and prevents the damage of molecules. Such combination also keeps check on ageing. It creates the protection shield from many diseases. Green Tea contains antioxidant which helps in formation of free cells and prevents the formation of damaging radicals. It also provides minerals to your body. 

Green Tea for Weight Loss:-  It is the main advantage of green tea. All the nutritionist suggests Green Tea for weight loss. It reduces obesity by improving metabolism. Green Tea is also referred as slimming tea. It works in relieving obesity.

Relieves Stress:-  Although there are many benefits of green tea but one of the most important is its anti-anxiety property. Green Tea relieves stress and improve the brain functioning. Normal caffeine also energizes you and relieves stress but only for short term. However, Green Tea creates the good impact on your brain functioning for long term. 

Minimize the Risk of Cancer:-  Cancer  has become very common in today’s hectic lifestyle. It is mainly caused due to extraordinary growth of cells. Oxidants are found in green tea which discourages the growth of cancer cell. It has been already mentioned that it protects your body from diseases due to its antioxidant properties. It discourages the development of following types of cancer:- 

Prostate Cancer:-  Prostate Cancer is very common type of cancer among men. Some studies have shown that men who drink green tea daily, having very less chances of developing prostate cancer. 

Breast Cancer:-  In today’s time, due to unhealthy life style, women became prone to breast cancer. So it became very necessary to protect your body from breast cancer. Green Tea is the best solution for this. Drink Green Tea daily to create the protection shield from breast cancer. Studies are still going on to know that till how much extent green tea helps in preventing cancer. 

Brain protection in old age:-  Brain functioning becomes inaccurate during old age which is main cause of Alzeheimir disease . Green Tea supports and improves brain functioning in such cases as well as ensures their prevention. 

Keep Check on Cardiovascular Disease:- According to some of the recent studies it has been proved that green prevents Cardiovascular Disease. Besides Cardiovascular, it also prevents other kind of heart diseases such as strokes which are the main reason of death. 

Prevents Type II Diabetics:-Type II diabetics is very common these days which has affected huge number of people in entire world. In this condition, blood sugar level elevated. Green Tea helps a lot in this condition. It reduces elevated blood sugar level and improves the insulin sensitivity.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Benefits of Vitamin E, Sources & Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

Vitamin E is the generic name for “tocopherol” and is available in four different forms. It is a fat soluble antioxidant, which can be obtained only as a food supplement. The most widely known health benefits of vitamin E are protection against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorders such as cataracts, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.

Longer Cell Life

You’ve probably seen rust on your bike or car. A similar process of oxidation and accelerated aging takes place in your body when cells are exposed to molecules called free radicals. Free radicals weaken and break down healthy cells and may contribute to heart disease and cancer.
These molecules form as a result of normal body processes and cause damage that shortens the life of your cells. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce free radical damage, slowing the aging process of your cells.

  • As an antioxidant, vitamin E acts as a peroxyl radical scavenger, preventing the propagation of free radicals in tissues, by reacting with them to form a tocopheryl radical, which will then be reduced by a hydrogen donor (such as vitamin C) and thus return to its reduced state. As it is fat-soluble, it is incorporated into cell membranes, which protects them from oxidative damage. Vitamin E has also found use as a commercial antioxidant in ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) used in hip and knee replacements, to help resist oxidation. 
  • As an enzymatic activity regulator, for instance, protein kinase C (PKC), which plays a role in smooth muscle growth, can be inhibited by α-tocopherol. α-Tocopherol has a stimulatory effect on the dephosphorylation enzyme, protein phosphatase 2A, which in turn, cleaves phosphate groups from PKC, leading to its deactivation, bringing the smooth muscle growth to a halt. 
  • Vitamin E also has an effect on gene expression. Macrophages rich in cholesterol are found in the atherogenetic tissue. Scavenger receptor CD36 is a class B scavenger receptor found to be up-regulated by oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) and binds it. Treatment with α-tocopherol was found to downregulate the expression of the CD36 scavenger receptor gene and the scavenger receptor class A (SR-A) and modulates expression of the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). The CTGFgene, when expressed, is responsible for the repair of wounds and regeneration of the extracellular tissue lost or damaged during atherosclerosis. 
  • Vitamin E also plays a role in neurological functions, and inhibition of platelet aggregation. Vitamin E also protects lipids and prevents the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

Source- Wikipedia

Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency 

Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms in Infants
•Loss of weight and delayed growth
•Poor eating habits
•Developmental problems that include physical and mental problems 
•Retrolental fibroplasia (an eye disease)

Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms in Children
•Chronic liver disease, causing neurological deficits
•Gross lack of coordination of muscle movements with loss of deep tendon reflexes
•Truncal and limb ataxia
•Loss of vibration and position senses
•Paralysis of extra-ocular muscles responsible for eye movements
•Muscle weakness
•Ptosis (drooping upper eyelid)
•Dysarthria (motor speech disorder)

Deficiency of Vitamin E Symptoms in Adults
•Mild anemia
•Nonspecific neurological deficits
•Disorders related to reproduction and infertility
•Fragile red blood cells
•Age spots
•Certain neurological damage
•Decrease in sex drive
• Muscle, liver, bone marrow and brain function abnormalities

Vitamin E Enriched Food or Sources of Vitamin E

Almonds:-Almonds are one the best vitamin E foods. Just an ounce of almonds offers a whopping 7.4 milligrams of vitamin E. 

Raw Seeds:-Select raw seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame, are another common food with vitamin E. 

Swiss Chard:- Swiss chard is easily one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat on a daily basis. Commonly known to be high in vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C, Swiss chard is another food high in vitamin E. 

Mustard Greens:- Similar to swiss chard, mustard greens are very nutrient dense and will provide a variety of health benefits. Not only are they one of the best vitamin E foods, but mustard greens are also high in vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, and vitamin c.

Avocado:- Perhaps one of the tastiest foods with Vitamin E, avocados represent nature’s creamiest, oil-rich food. Just half of an avocado holds more than 2 mg of vitamin E. 

Broccoli:-For generations now, broccoli has been considered one of the best detox foods, but it’s also one of the healthiest foods high in Vitamin E. Just one cup of steamed broccoli will provide you with 4% of your daily requirements. 

Olives:- From the oil to the fruit, eating olives is an excellent way of getting your daily needs for vitamin E. Just one cup of olives can give you approximately 20% of your daily recommended amount.


Thursday, 5 February 2015

What is healthy diet?

Whole grains:-Whole grain is healthy and balanced diet. wheat flour is usually slightly darker than refined flour.According to the USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture)2, we should consume at least 3 ounces of whole grains per day. A whole grain, unlike refined grains, still has the bran and the germ attached. Whole grains are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. When grains are refined the bran and germ are removed.
It is not possible to know whether food is made from whole grain just by looking at it.To be really sure you have to read the label. In the list of ingredients, the word whole or wholegrain needs to appear before the name of the grain.
Whole grain products include breads, pastas and cereals - they need to be made with 100% whole grain.Whole grain foods and flours include 100% whole wheat, brown rice, bulger, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal (oats), spelt and wild rice.

Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. They are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Unfortunately, most people are falling short of the recommended daily minimum of five servings of fruit and vegetables. In fact, most of us need to double the amount we currently eat.
Try to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day and with every meal—the brighter the better. Colorful, deeply colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—and different colors provide different benefits, so eat a variety. Aim for a minimum of five portions each day. Try adding berries to breakfast cereals, eating fruit as a healthy dessert, and snacking on vegetables such as carrots, snow peas, or cherry tomatoes instead of processed snack foods.
•    Greens. Branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce. Kale, mustard greens, broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options—all packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
•    Sweet vegetables. Naturally sweet vegetables—such as corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, yams, onions, and squash—add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets.
•    Fruit. Fruit is a tasty, satisfying way to fill up on fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C, and so on.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements:-Most Australians should be able to get the vitamins and minerals they require by regularly eating a wide variety of foods chosen from the bottom two sections of the Healthy Eating Pyramid. Vitamin supplements will not make up for eating poorly. If you think you may be at risk and need extra supplements talk to your doctor or dietitian.
Many people eat three meals a day. Others prefer five or six small meals or snacks. Either is fine. However, it is difficult to meet your body's needs if you eat only one or two meals a day. Breakfast is an important meal and an opportunity to start the day with often foods from the bottom section of the Healthy Diet Pyramid. Eating breakfast has been proven to help control and even lose weight.

Protein:-We need protein for the building and repairing of tissue in our body. Protein-rich foods also include essential minerals, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, as well as B vitamins.
Douglas Paddon-Jones, PhD, Associate Professor, The University of Texas Medical Branch says that proteins should make up about 20 to 25 percent of our nutritional intake.4
The following foods are good sources of protein:
    meat
    poultry
    fish
    eggs
    beans
    nuts    soya (includes tofu)
Nutritionists advise that the fat in meat should be trimmed and drained away after cooking. The skin should be removed from poultry.

For people who are not vegetarians, nutritionist advise we consume fish at least twice a week, preferably fish rich in omega oils, such as trout, fresh tuna, sardines, mackerel and salmon.
The canning process of tuna removes the essential oils, hence only fresh tuna is considered as an oily fish.
It is better for your health to grill, roast or microwave meats and fish, rather than frying them.
Vegans, who do not eat any foods from animal sources, may get their protein from nuts, seeds, soya, beans and quorn. Vegans may have to supplement their zinc and B12 vitamin intake as these foods are not rich in them.