Thursday, 4 June 2015

What are the benefits of Green Tea

There are multiple health benefits of green tea. It is also called as world’s most healthy drink. There are many advantages of drinking green tea which includes weight loss, reduces the risk of cancer, healthy brain function and more.The advantages of green tea are given below:-

Health Benefits of Green Tea:-  There are multiple health benefits of green Tea.  It discourages the formation of free radicals and prevents the damage of molecules. Such combination also keeps check on ageing. It creates the protection shield from many diseases. Green Tea contains antioxidant which helps in formation of free cells and prevents the formation of damaging radicals. It also provides minerals to your body. 

Green Tea for Weight Loss:-  It is the main advantage of green tea. All the nutritionist suggests Green Tea for weight loss. It reduces obesity by improving metabolism. Green Tea is also referred as slimming tea. It works in relieving obesity.

Relieves Stress:-  Although there are many benefits of green tea but one of the most important is its anti-anxiety property. Green Tea relieves stress and improve the brain functioning. Normal caffeine also energizes you and relieves stress but only for short term. However, Green Tea creates the good impact on your brain functioning for long term. 

Minimize the Risk of Cancer:-  Cancer  has become very common in today’s hectic lifestyle. It is mainly caused due to extraordinary growth of cells. Oxidants are found in green tea which discourages the growth of cancer cell. It has been already mentioned that it protects your body from diseases due to its antioxidant properties. It discourages the development of following types of cancer:- 

Prostate Cancer:-  Prostate Cancer is very common type of cancer among men. Some studies have shown that men who drink green tea daily, having very less chances of developing prostate cancer. 

Breast Cancer:-  In today’s time, due to unhealthy life style, women became prone to breast cancer. So it became very necessary to protect your body from breast cancer. Green Tea is the best solution for this. Drink Green Tea daily to create the protection shield from breast cancer. Studies are still going on to know that till how much extent green tea helps in preventing cancer. 

Brain protection in old age:-  Brain functioning becomes inaccurate during old age which is main cause of Alzeheimir disease . Green Tea supports and improves brain functioning in such cases as well as ensures their prevention. 

Keep Check on Cardiovascular Disease:- According to some of the recent studies it has been proved that green prevents Cardiovascular Disease. Besides Cardiovascular, it also prevents other kind of heart diseases such as strokes which are the main reason of death. 

Prevents Type II Diabetics:-Type II diabetics is very common these days which has affected huge number of people in entire world. In this condition, blood sugar level elevated. Green Tea helps a lot in this condition. It reduces elevated blood sugar level and improves the insulin sensitivity.

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