Good and balanced diet is very important for the treatment of acne.But there are some specific foods that cure acne speedily. Add them in your diet plan and see the good result in few days only. Here it is very important to note that don’t depend only on below mentioned food. Eat all kinds of healthy foods. Avoid junk and spicy food completely. Otherwise all your efforts will be waste.
Balanced Diet:- Eat balanced diet regularly to get rid from all skin problems. Add low fat diary diet in your plan. Such products are essential vitamins for healthy skin.
Yoghurt: - Yoghurt unblocks the clogged properties. It also removes bacteria and dirt from your skin. Make the yoghurt paste and apply it two times in day.
Watermelon:- This popular and easily available food improves the radiant of skin. It is very good source of Vitamin A, B and C. These vitamins keep your skin fresh and beautiful. This fruit not only cures acne but also helps in getting rid from acne marks. Eat 6 to 8 slices of Watermelon daily, you will definitely feel the good results.
Raspberries:- Raspberries is very healthy fruit. It is full of vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. The ample amount of Photo-chemicals is found in raspberries. Photochemical creates the protection shield for your skin.
Walnut:- It is very important to keep your skin well hydrated for the treatment of acne. Walnuts not only keep your skin hydrated but also improve the complexion and structure of skin.
Eat Selenium Enriched Food:- Ultraviolet rays of sun also cause acne. Selenium enriched food prevent the damage of sun. Nuts and cereals are selenium enriched food. Eat these foods to cure acne.
Eat Apples: - It is common proverb that an apple keeps a doctor away. It is also good for your skin. Eat apple daily to keep your skin refreshing and rejuvenating.
Lemon Juice:- Lemon Juice helps in reducing acne. It cleanses liver and acid waste from your body and build up enzymes to eliminate body toxins. It clears the pores and keep your skin refreshed and bright.
Eat Low Fat Diary Product:- Low fat dairy products are best food to prevent acne. Low fat dairy products include cheese, yoghurt, milk etc.
Water:- Last but not the least. Drink lots of water daily to keep your skin fresh and pimple.
Also Read:- Best Methods to Remove Acne Scars
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