Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Beware Ladies If You Are Suffering From Obesity

Ladies if you are obese then you should be alert from today as you are on the way to suffer from many health problems. Pizza parties, hot dogs, fast and stressful life had made so many of you obsessed. The side effects of obesity are as follows:-

Risk of Cancer:- It is worse side-effect of obesity on the health of women but it is not necessary that overweight causes cancer. According to some theories fat cells enhances the hormonal activities which causes the growth of cancer. 

Cause of Infertility:-Obesity leads the growth of polycystic ovarian cyst which is main cause of infertility. 

Premature Child Birth:- Uterine and cervical membranes are weakened by obesity.  High level of obesity may also create the risk of premature birth. It occurs when mass index reaches at 35.  Premature birth causes long term disabilities as well as death just after and at the time of birth. 

Sleep Related Disorder:- Overweight causes sleep related disorders like always feeling sleepy and obstruction in breathing during sleep.  Gap in breathing during sleep is also termed as sleep apnea. In this condition, breathing process stops for seconds while asleep. The condition is bad for overall health. This condition creates load on heart and prevents flow of oxygen

Mental Health:- Not only physical health but also your mental health got affected by obesity. The worse side effect of obesity is lack of confidence level. There are many people who always make the fun of overweight which may led to depression or lack of self esteem. The obese person always thinks about his weight problem. It is very common among women that they always compare themselves with their slim friends. Such kind of behavior also lead to hormonal imbalance which leads to problems related with menstrual cycle and fertility.

Fatigue:- This impact of obesity can be seen among all fatty people. An obsessed person feels fatigued and tired all the time. Obesity slows down the energy level. 

Other Health Problems:-There are many more problems listed below which are associated with Obesity:- 
  • Pain in Joint and Back
  • Feeling of Isolation
  • Type 2 Diabetics-
  • High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
  • Gall Stones mainly formed in gallbladder  made from accumulation of cholesterol
  • Side effect on liver and kidney
If you are not suffering from these side effects of obesity then you should be aware from today. All these problems may occur in future. So, be aware from today. 

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